“I think of my brother’s only one child named, Deepthi…”

2009 | Installation with 1 plastic bottle with plastic lid containing stones and air along with 1 note on paper and video | Installation dimensions: variable | 2 channel video: 3 min 6 sec each | Photos: Project 88, Mumbai

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“I think of my brothers only one child named, Deepthi…”, consist of a closed plastic bottle containing stones and air. The work also includes a handwritten note on paper and a 2 channel video that highlights a fundamental connection between soldiers and their loved ones. Channel 1, shows a young girl folding black paper airplanes and surrounded by her toys in the comfort of her home.  Channel 2 shows a Siachen soldier sitting by himself in the snow and is helplessly trying to fly black paper airplanes.

The two locations contrast sharply with one another, as we witness the ruthless reality of the soldier’s environment juxtaposed with the innocence of the little girl’s world. The artist, in his previous artworks titled, re(wind)ing, 2013; Finally found my room full of toys, 2009 and the workshop titled, Paper Airplane Project, 2008-Ongoing, has used paper airplanes as a universal symbol of a child’s need to play and experience the world around them. In this installation the airplane is used as a metaphor to explore loss and our perceptions about conflict and its impact on our daily lives.

“I think of my brothers only one child named, Deepthi…”, is an extract from a note written by a soldier who was stationed at Khardung La in Ladakh. The note was part of the artist’s previous artwork titled, Gurgaon to Panamik, 2008-09, in which various individuals participated.