Bandages-Bullets #3

2024 | Pencil and charcoal drawing on graph paper | Paper (width x height): 16.5 x 11.6 in. / 42 x 29.7 cm. | Paper: Clairefontaine N. 97136 C, 90 gsm


Editing note in progress…

Bandages-Bullets #3, is part of Baptist Coelho’s on-going multi-media series titled, Bandages-Bullets. This series attempts to explore the bandage and the bullet – both synonymous of war. From healing to hurting, from killing to caring, and other such notions will be explored. – Kris Imants Ercums, curator of Global Contemporary and Asian Art at the Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, USA.

The artwork was first exhibited as part of the artist’s solo exhibition at Bâtiment IV, Esch-sur-Alzette, from 30 May to 14 June 2024.